14 Jan 2016

Bucovina, Nestramutat

Incape intr-o vorba - Even though it has become quite the cliche to have an epic spoken or orchestral intro, I’m still a sucker for this kind of calm, yet thundering and dignified voice that narrates epic stuff

Da-mi mana, toamna - a song that really doesn’t do the album justice. The instrumental is simple, the chorus is repetitive, the lyrics are slightly weird... definitely not a good way to start the record, especially since the other songs are really good and this gives a bad first impression

Carari in suflet - Oh how I love bands who sing in their native language. And especially when that language is also my own. That strong eastern “R”, the rough consonants, the accent, the way the words rhyme... ok, I guess I’m biased because I think Romanian is a beautiful language, but still, it’s definitely part of their charm. I’m also in love with atmosphere and the strength and determination of the message, while the way they jump from a Maiden-like guitar interlude straight to a blackish bridge in mere seconds is just captivating. 

Ultima iarna - Such a sad, sad track, it gave me goose bumps and tears in my eyes from the first few seconds. I love how real the story is (even though technically it’s the furthest thing from real, since, as far as I know, wolves don’t eat their old and dying members of the pack), how powerful the feelings are, how vivid the descriptions are, I even love the yet again clicheic howling wolf that this time actually makes sense from a story-telling point of view. 

Veacul Ruinei - Again, one of those songs where the atmosphere and the message surpass the simplicity of the music (which is yet very effective, by the way), Veacul Ruinei is a shout-out to the classics of Romanian folk, with an intro straight out of Sfinx and also a shout-out to the old stories about princess and princesses. It’s nice mix of traditional music and lyrics, dressed up in more contemporary clothes and it’s the kind of song that transports you to a simple pure world, where the power of will is absolute. 

La apus - I love the images this song evokes and the story-like atmosphere so much! You know how it is when you walk on mountain tracks, and it’s cold and quiet and you can enjoy the sunshine and sheep and flowers and there’s no one else in sight and you are calm and free? That’s exactly how this song makes me feel, it even has something from the old mountain songs people sing around the campfire, with a guitar and mulled wine, at the end of a long day of trekking. And still, despite of the folktale atmosphere, there’s still a power and a bite in the music that prevents it from becoming cheesy and disconnected to reality, it’s such a good balance!

Sunt munti si paduri – a rendition of one of their oldest and self-declared blackest songs, which fits in so well with the mood of the album. It’s interesting that their blackest track has no grunts and the print of the genre is achieved solely through the instrumental. 

Nestramutati - And so it ends... So quickly, so gently and in such contrast with the previous track, leaving me anxious for the next Bucovina album that will hopefully be longer. Not better, it’s already good enough and everything I love Bucovina for, just longer because I want more of that beautiful feeling I get while listening to them.

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